Buying a home

Real Estate Keynotes: Slab Real Estate Keynotes: Slab Slab is a home without a basement. It is a more affordable option compared to a house with a basement. However, it offers limited storage space, no extra living space below, and limited shelter during tornado warnings. A tornado shelter is something a lot of people appreciate here in St...

Real Estate Keynotes: Appraisal Real Estate Keynotes: Appraisal 💰 usually required by a mortgage lender during the home buying process. It makes sure the home's value you're buying justifies the loan amount. If it comes in lower than the offer, you may need to renegotiate the offer or bring extra cash to close the deal. If it's higher, great news for you...

Real Estate Keynotes: CMA CMA is a report prepared by a real estate agent that provides an estimate of a property's value based on recent sales of smilar properties in the area. CMA takes into consideration property's conditions, sold prices and days on the market, for example. It helps us make informed decisions when listing a home or deciding a fair offer when buying. If...

House Warming Party

Beautiful House Warming Party

This was one of the most beautiful housewarming parties I’ve ever attended ✨️ 🏡 It’s always such a joy to see new homeowners take pride and are happy in their new home, but this time was extra special. I had the privilege of witnessing their priest bless the home. That was a really beautiful experience. The celebration was made even more memorable with delicious Ethiopian food, and I especially...

Real Estate Keynotes: Listing

Real Estate Keynotes: Listing Real Estate Keynotes: "Listing."A listing is a property that's been put up for sale or for rent. Each listing includes important details about the property, such as the price, number of bedrooms and bathrooms, size, photos, school districts, tax information, and more.You can find listings on real estate websites and, of course, through real...

Just Listed in Crestwood!

Just Listed in Crestwood!

Just Listed in Lindbergh School District ✨ And open house to be held on Saturday 7/27 1-4 pm 🏡 The house has numerous recent updates completed in 2022, including carpet, stainless steel kitchen appliances, refinished hardwood floors, and a roof. The spacious lower level features a family room and a versatile bonus room/office with a bay window that lets in an abundance of natural light. Extra storage...

Real Estate Keynotes: Open House Real Estate Keynotes: Open HouseI thought I was able to record this outside in this beautiful street in U-City then iy started to rain ☔️😓Anyways, Open House is a period of time when a property is open for public viewing 👀 You don't need a private appointment so it's a great opportunity to explore your options, especially at an...

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